Changes to the Publication of ARCHITECT Magazine

This message is from Frank Scanlan, Managing Director, Strategic Communications and Content.

First, ARCHITECT magazine is made available to members by Zonda, formerly known as Hanley Wood, as part of an agreement with AIA. Zonda is the publisher and takes on all of the costs for producing the magazine. While most members believe that AIA owns ARCHITECT, Zonda is the actual owner of the magazine.

Over the years, the costs to produce the magazine have increased greatly, especially printing and paper, while the revenues derived from advertising have fallen significantly. Making a decision to continue to stay in the publishing business has become increasingly difficult for any publisher. While we are glad that Zonda is continuing to publish, for 2021 Zonda will produce fewer issues (8 per year versus 12 previously) and will limit the number of print publications to 50,000 for our membership.

In addition, both AIA and Zonda share a commitment to climate action. Continuing to print 90,000+ magazines each month is environmentally damaging, and many of the magazines go to waste. As such, we are encouraging members to switch to a free digital subscription. Nothing changes except that you'll receive the magazine digitally rather than in print.

We appreciate that you like receiving the print version of ARCHITECT. Zonda will provide complimentary print subscriptions in 2021 for those who wish to continue to receive them. Please email Zonda at to request your complimentary subscription.

Please email with questions or concerns.