Resources and Programs from National 3.7.25

Support AIA’s Climate Action Goals: AIA 2030 Commitment and A&D Materials Pledge

As part of AIA’s ongoing commitment to strategic plan goals for climate action, AIA’s pledge programs (AIA 2030 Commitment and A&D Materials Pledge ) offer a call to action for AIA members to directly engage in tracking firm progress towards pledge targets, while improving design practices. This enables AIA to advocate and communicate the impact the architecture profession is making toward achieving a zero carbon, equitable, healthy, and resilient built environment. Deadlines for reporting are March 31 for the 2030 Commitment and May 31 for the Materials Pledge.
The AIA 2030 Commitment and Materials Pledge Open Office Hours offers education and technical assistance to firms in their reporting journey. The AIA Climate Action Pledge Program You Tube channel features new video testimonials on the value of pledge participation for firms, and recorded help sessions and webinars on a variety of support and educational topics. 

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Member Resource: Women’s Leadership Edge

In partnership with the University of California-Hastings' Center for Worklife Law, AIA provides members with access to Women’s Leadership Edge, a resource that will help in advancing tomorrow's leaders to the next level. WLE is a membership program providing practical evidence-based tools to enable organizations to effectively retain, support, and advance women from within. Members receive organization-wide access to training and resources that are useful not only for women, but also for sponsors, mentors, professional development directors, and organizational leaders. Active AIA members can access this resource. If interested in accessing this resource, please fill out this form. Reach out to with questions.



AIA25 Emerging Professionals Grant

AIA and the Architects Foundation founded this grant to provide more opportunities to emerging and early career professionals. Selected grant winners will receive one complimentary Full Pass to AIA25 worth $599 and more! Applications are due by Sunday, March 23 at 11:59pm ET. Learn more >

AIA College of Fellows Latrobe Prize submissions are now open

With Architecture’s Contributions to Human Health as the focus of the 2025 Latrobe Prize, the prize is awarded to a research proposal that has the long-range potential to advance solutions to one or more significant architectural and built environment challenges. The recipient(s) receive $150,000 to support a two-year program of research. The College of Fellows invites individuals and teams to submit proposals for the 2025 Latrobe Prize. Learn more >

2025 Small Project Design Knowledge Community Grant Program

The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support for nonprofit organizations working with architects on community-based projects. Along with supporting the work of nonprofit organizations, we want to demonstrate the value of hiring an architecture firm (and AIA member) for community projects, by helping cover some of the costs associated with hiring the design team. Submissions are due April 18. Learn more >

Support AIA’s Climate Action Goals: AIA 2030 Commitment and A&D Materials Pledge

As part of AIA’s ongoing robust commitment to strategic plan goals for climate action, AIA’s pledge programs (AIA 2030 Commitment and A&D Materials Pledge ) offer a call to action for AIA members to directly engage in tracking firm progress towards pledge targets, while improving design practices. This enables AIA to advocate and communicate the impact the architecture profession is making toward achieving a zero carbon, equitable, healthy, and resilient built environment.

View the AIA 2030 Commitment and Materials Pledge schedule of Open Office Hours to support firms in their reporting journey. Deadlines for reporting are March 31 for the 2030 Commitment and May 31 for the Materials Pledge.