AIAO Open Position - Disaster Assistance Coordinator

AIA Oregon is seeking members interested in serving in the role of Disaster Assistance Coordinator. 

Beginning in 2018, every AIA state component is required to appoint a state disaster coordinator to the Disaster Assistance Network. This requirement recognizes the critical importance of disaster preparedness in each state. Many local components have also worked to enhance their own disaster preparedness. Collectively, we are stronger when information, lessons learned, and examples are shared throughout the AIA disaster assistance network.  Disasters are generally local, and a network of professionals from outside the effected area is necessary for the recovery. This is the purpose of the Network.

The role of the state coordinator is to participate in disaster assistance network events and work with the chapter staff disaster assistance liaison to coordinate activities throughout the chapter.  Through the diligent work of the AIA Oregon Legislative Affairs Committee in 2019, Oregon now has a Safety Assessment Program to coordinate post-disaster response, and we expect the Disaster Assistance Coordinator will be involved in our efforts to see the SAP come to life.

If you are interested in the coordinator position, or interested in assisting the coordinator, please send an email to Curt Wilson, AIA, EVP/CEO at