Message from the Outgoing AIA Oregon EVP


Curt Wilson, AIA
Outgoing. AIAO EVP/CEO

Thank you for your support

As I write my last message as an employee of AIA Oregon, I realize that I had no idea when I took over this role after my friend Robert Hoffman left to re-enter practice all the emotions I would feel as I exit to re-enter practice as Wilson Architecture.  The decision to become the interim Executive VP of AIA Oregon was not the result of a developed plan, but an opportunity to serve this organization at a high level and to challenge myself personally through a new experience.  The opportunity came about 6 months into our transition to a single state chapter, the new AIA Oregon. As a long-term board member of the old AIA Oregon, I was deeply involved in the reasons to become a single state chapter and what we anticipated as the benefits, but like all others leading the transition, I didn’t understand the depth of the challenges until after we committed.

My combined experience as chair of the legislative committee, state board leader, mid-size firm leader, and resident of Eugene gave me the perspective to help connect across our former chapters and modify how we all engage with AIA to move closer to the ideals we anticipated for the single state chapter.  I appreciate that the AIAO Board of Directors, led by 2019 President Seth Anderson, AIA and 2020-21 President Amy Vohs, AIA supported me through the last 22 months. Seth, Amy, all board members, and committee leaders gave me latitude to lead and move in directions that I recommended. That level of support was fundamental to help us get through the events of 2020 and early 2021 in good shape and ready to take on the future, a future that includes a new Portland home and the resumption of in-person events. 

On Monday, I return to AIA Oregon as an active and engaged member. As a member, I’m excited for the future led by our new EVP/CEO, Heather Wilson. We are lucky that an experienced AIA component leader who has worked in North Carolina and Utah is interested in being part of AIA Oregon.  Heather has been involved with the AIAO staff team for about 4 weeks now. She’s demonstrated the rare combination of leadership, support, and guidance.  Connect with Heather soon to help her learn more about your part of Oregon.

I mentioned above that I didn’t anticipate the feelings I would have this final week. I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to leave the AIAO staff team. The team includes Colleen Bastendorff, Adrienne Morris, and Kathy Wendland. Our team is split between Eugene and Portland, and in my view, we embody the transition from individual chapters to a single, unified chapter.  When I started in the middle of 2019, we were working in Portland and Eugene, doing things as they were done in the past.  For the past year or so, working from home has brought us all together.  We meet daily via Zoom and approach all our tasks as a team.  We enjoy each other’s company, support each other, and do more together than we could alone.  I will miss being part of the team. Colleen, Adrienne, and Kathy, I’ve always been so impressed with your commitment to AIA Oregon and to the importance of serving our members.  Thank you for your support.