Message from the AIA Oregon Treasurer

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Stephanie Morales
AIAO Treasurer

When I joined the AIA as an Associate AIA member in 2017, after completing the three-year master’s program at the University of Oregon, I never imagined myself landing here as your Statewide Chapter Treasurer just four years later. That bright-eyed student knew too well that she had so much to learn, and so many challenges yet to overcome before gaining any position of leadership within the profession, even less a local chapter of a national organization. Nonetheless, I am here. I am here as one of two current Associate AIA Board members, and as one of the few people of color currently holding the position of AIAO Board member. 

I got involved with AIAO when I became an active member of the Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (CoEDI). The work by this committee, Co-Chaired by Kelly Chanopas and Octavio Gutiérrez, along with the AIAO Board, became the bedrock for what we now know as the AIAO Social Justice Action Plan and the Social Justice Resources Page on the AIAO website. This shift in conversation cannot be discussed without the global impact that the murder of George Floyd had on our society. May 25th will mark one year since Mr. Floyd’s murder. In the time that has passed, AIAO held a listening session to hear from its members regarding social justice and CoEDI hosted the annual Future Vision Conference last November, centering on Critical Race Theory and community advocacy as a means for equitable design. Community members formed the Portland chapter of NOMA, and firms around the state are gathering to report on the implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusion ideals within their practice.

So where do we go from here? During the first Board meeting of 2021, we held a planning session where each member had to commit to one of the Social Justice Action Plan Framework Goals in a tangible way. My commitment to you, our members, is to increase the number of BIPOC Board Members to better represent the diversity within our community. What I have learned in these past few months as your Treasurer is that I will always be encouraged to share my thoughts during Board meetings, and I feel welcomed to think critically on how the Board can better support its ever-changing membership. This support fuels my commitment to inspiring others to arise and become the future leaders of our chosen profession, but my commitment takes more than the power that I hold, it also takes you. 

We need your voice as a future AIAO Board Member. I’m looking at all of our BIPOC members who may have never seen themselves reflected in leadership. I see you. While it’s important to gain knowledge and devote oneself to the work, it’s also very important to lead, be part of the waves of change. Be the mover. Whether you are a recent graduate, an emerging professional, or a seasoned professional. You matter, your voice matters. I truly believe we can make positive change if we work together with sincere commitments to centering justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. This means having each of our organizations reflect the population it serves. Our collective consciousness has been elevated and we cannot turn back now. Will you take up the challenge? Will you support your fellow BIPOC designers to lead as the next AIAO Board member? The change we need is within us, we just have to answer its call. 

If you are interested in joining the CoEDI, contact 

If you would like to learn more about this topic or get involved, visit our social justice resources page at: or email