AIA Oregon Young Architect Representative Position Open

Young Architect Representative for Oregon

The AIA Oregon Board of Directors has the opportunity to appoint an Oregon member to serve as Oregon’s Young Architect Representative (YAR). This is a national leadership position within the AIA, representing young architects across the state.

A YAR is an AIA member who has been licensed for less than 10 years and who serves as a liaison between the state chapter and the Young Architects Forum (YAF) focusing on issues relevant to Emerging Professionals (EPs; architects in the early stage of their career) and architects licensed less than 10 years.

This is a two-year term, beginning 1 January 2025.

YAF Purpose

The AIA YAF is the voice of recently licensed Architects and a catalyst for progress within the profession. The national YAF encourages development of programs for young architects and supports the creation of YAF groups within local and state components. YAF programs, activities, and resources provide young architects with information and leadership; excellence through fellowship with other professionals; and mentoring to enhance individual, community, and professional development.

YAF Vision

  • We ENGAGE recently licensed Architects in leadership to become agents of change within the Institute and the profession overall.

  • We INSPIRE professional growth among recently licensed Architects through fellowship within the Institute.

  • We ADVOCATE for issues of particular relevance to recently licensed Architects to the Institute.

  • We SERVE to make AIA memberships meaningful to recently licensed architects through programs and services that effectively anticipate, meet and exceed their needs.

  • We PROMOTE mentorship at all career stages to enhance personal growth, community involvement, and professional development.

YAF Overview

The Young Architects Forum (YAF) is the voice of architects in the early stages of their career and a catalyst for change within the profession and our communities. Working closely with the AIA College of Fellows and the American Institute of Architects as a whole, the YAF is leading the future of the profession with a focus on architects who are within ten years or less from the date of their initial licensure. The YAF Advisory Committee and Young Architect Representatives (YARs) are charged with encouraging the development of national and state programs of interest to young architects and supporting the creation of YAF groups within AIA components. Approximately 23,000 AIA members are represented by the YAF. YAF programs, activities, and resources serve young architects by providing information and leadership; promoting excellence through fellowship with other professionals; and encouraging mentoring to enhance individual, community, and professional development.

Roles and duties of the Young Architect Representative (YAR)

Young Architect Representatives represent young architects within AIA at the state and national level. They are the primary connection between local AIA chapters and the national YAF Advisory Committee (AdCom).

The Young Architect Representative communicates information from AIA National to local emerging professional groups and vice versa by:

  • Maintaining quarterly communication with the EP committees within the state

  • Serving as a conduit between local EPs and the AdCom

The Young Architect Representative contributes to the direction and planning of the YAF by:

  • Participating in the in-person YAF Annual Meeting and attending bi-monthly virtual YAF full committee conference calls

  • Working with the AdCom on various national issues through participation in at least one YAF Focus Group

  • Attending AIA Leadership Summit and AIA National Conference, when possible

The Young Architect Representative serves young architects at the state level by:

  • Providing reports regarding the activities of the YAF and emerging professionals groups when requested

  • Maintaining quarterly communication with the following counterparts from their state: National Associates Committee (NAC) state representatives, Strategic Council representatives, and College of Fellows (COF) regional representative

  • Attending monthly AIA Leadership Exchange calls

  • Suggesting or encouraging young architects for nomination for state or national awards, positions or committees/subcommittees.

Young Architect Representatives have the option to represent YAF within the larger AIA National community by serving as a member of or liaison to any of the following: Strategic Council work groups, Knowledge Communities, Board Committees, Member Interest Groups, or Task Forces. These opportunities may vary from year to year.

Activities of a YAR

Every month this position will require 4-5 hours of your time. The state representative should expect to participate in the following calls and meetings:

  • Full committee Annual meeting (Q1, travel and lodging paid by AIA National)

  • Bi-monthly Full Committee Calls (2 hours each call)

  • Working group calls (frequency depends on the workgroup and their current load, but assume 1-2 hours a month)

  • Special calls as needed (generally no longer than an hour)

  • AIA Leadership Exchange calls (1 hour quarterly)

Term: Two-year commitment.

Application Requirements
AIA Membership – Applicant must be an AIA member in good standing within AIA and must be licensed not more than 10 years at the time of term commencement.

Letter of Interest – From Applicant. Addressed to the 2024 Board of Directors. Indicate understanding of the position, qualifications/experience, and reasons for seeking election. Limit one-page.

Letter of Recommendation – From an AIA member. Indicate the Nominee’s qualifications for the YAR position. Limit one-page.

Letter of Support – From Employer. A Principal (or Officer) within the candidate’s firm must commit to supporting the candidate in fulfilling the role’s obligations. Limit one page on company letterhead.

Personal Resume – Indicate education, employment history, organizations, activities, honors, and awards. Limit two pages (It is NOT in the applicant’s best interest to simply submit a firm resume with project experience).


  • Completed applications must be submitted by email as a single PDF to Heather Wilson, Executive Vice President of AIA Oregon no later than October 31, 2024.

  • The YAR is selected by the AIA Oregon Board of Directors.

For questions, contact:

Nicole Becker, AIA
2023-2024 Young Architect Representative