Call for Applications - 2025 AIAO Board of Directors

The Call for Applications Deadline is Friday, September 6

The 2024 AIA Oregon Board of Directors is calling for applications for the 2025 Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for providing the vision, leadership, and oversight of AIAO staff and works closely with the CEO / EVP to meet the mission and strategic goals defined by membership.

The AIA Oregon Board of Directors manages the chapter’s fiduciary responsibility and oversees the work of the Executive Vice President / CEO. Board members represent the leadership of the industry during their term and beyond, becoming a valuable resource to allied partners in the A/E/C industry. Board members will also be called on to participate in discussions regarding policies and position statements for the chapter, checking for congruence with regional and national initiatives, while tracking progress on our own state strategic goals and objectives.

Directors to Sections are also an important part of our member service feedback loop. ALL 5 of our sections are currently seeking Director-Elects. Director-Elects will take over for the current Directors when their term is up, and serve two years as Director of their section, which is a voting Board position.

Southern Oregon

AIA Oregon Board members enjoy discounted pricing to all Chapter events, including ODC (Oregon Design Conference), OAA (Oregon Architecture Awards), and support for travel to events such as the AIA National conference, Leadership Summit, and Women’s Leadership Summit. Additional benefits include meals and learning opportunities, Board supported training and retreats! 

The Board is currently accepting applications to the 2025 Board of Directors for:

At-Large Director (1 seat available)

Treasurer (1 seat available)

President-Elect (1 seat available)

AIA Oregon At-Large Director (1)

The At-large Director is an AIA Oregon Board position representing all members of the State-wide Chapter. Together with other Board members, the At-large Director provides leadership with oversight of the AIA Oregon Strategic Plan, annual operating budget, and fulfillment of AIA Oregon’s mission to serve and support its members.

The At-Large Director focus is predominantly toward state-wide issues and programs as opposed to that of the Section Director whose focus is predominantly on the local Section.

•          Term of office: Two years. Your term would begin January 1, 2025 and end December 31, 2026.

•           Participates in Board meetings.

•           Liaison to committees per assignment to oversee Chapter-wide initiatives.

•           Facilitates leadership track for committee chair positions

•           Brings statewide issues of importance to the attention of the Board

•           Communicates with members through AIA Oregon media and through local directors

•           Monitors delivery of member services

•           May include attendance at a state, regional or national leadership conference

Treasurer (1)

The Treasurer manages the chapter’s fiduciary responsibility along with the EVP / CEO and is responsible for leading discussions regarding expenditure requests from committees and members at Board meetings. The treasurer acts as a conduit between members and staff regarding expense requests from outside and allied organizations.

  • Term of office: Two years. Your term would begin January 1, 2025 and end December 31, 2026.

  • Participates in Board meetings. (every other month, 2hours)

  • Liaison to committees per assignment to oversee Chapter-wide initiatives.

  • Participates in Executive Committee Meetings (1x month, 30min./ call)

  • Brings statewide issues of importance to the attention of the Board

  • Communicates with members through AIA Oregon media and through local directors

  • Monitors delivery of member services and cost

  • May include attendance at a state, regional or national leadership conference 


  • Term of office: Four Years (1 year as president Elect, 2 years as President, 1 year as Past-President) Your term would begin January 1, 2025 and end December 31, 2028.

  • Participates in Board meetings. (every other month, 2hours).

  • Liaison to committees per assignment to oversee Chapter-wide initiatives.

  • Participates in Executive Committee Meetings (1x month, 30min./ call)

  • Brings statewide issues of importance to the attention of the Board

  • May include attendance at a state, regional or national leadership conference

  • Assume Duties of the President as needed:

  • Leads board

  • Sets agenda

  • "Figure Head" for organization

  • Visits each section at least one time per year

  • Attends national, big-sibs and regional leadership conferences

  • Liaison for communications committee

  • Monitors leadership track (future directors/board members/president)

  • Signs agreements and contracts

  • Provides general supervision over employees of the Chapter

Board members are expected to attend meetings held every other month for roughly 2 hours. That time commitment may be augmented with additional committee responsibilities; as such, nominees should expect between 4-5 hours of volunteer time per month will need to be dedicated to AIA Oregon business.

Interested members should send a letter of interest, resume and personal headshot to Heather Wilson. Please address your letter to: The 2024 Board of Directors. Questions? Please email Heather.