Join the New HQ Task Force!

Want to guide the vision for AIA Oregon’s new HQ? Interested in influencing how AIA Oregon serves members across the state? Consider joining the HQ Task Force!

The HQ Task Force will lead the design and engagement process in partnership with AIA Oregon staff and board. The Task Force will also help build a plan for membership-wide engagement opportunities, ensuring the new HQ embodies our values, reflects our diverse community and allows for evolution in the future. Plus, you’ll build new relationships and develop your leadership skills while having a positive impact on the architecture profession in Oregon. 

Interested in joining? Here’s what to do next:

  1. Check out the task force job description to learn all about the task force and your role.

  2. Fill out the Task Force interest survey by Friday, September 2, to share why you’re interested and how you want to contribute.

Task force members will be selected in mid-September, with the first HQ Task Force meeting taking place soon afterward.

Have questions about the task force? Please reach out! You can reach us at 

Want to learn more about our new HQ and the member-driven process to create it? Check out this recording of our recent Thursday Roundtable.