Dana Ing Crawford Memorial Scholarship

In Loving Memory of Dana Ing Crawford: 

Dana was an ardent supporter and mentor of women engaged in the profession of Architecture.  To continue her legacy of inspiring and supporting women who want to become Architects, Dana’s friends and colleagues at ORW Architecture have established a scholarship fund in her name through the Oregon Community Foundation.  The Dana Ing Crawford Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to women in Oregon (high school graduates or the equivalent) in their pursuit of an undergraduate or graduate degree in Architecture. 

To be a part of ensuring Dana’s legacy, please consider donating via credit card by following this secure link: Dana Ing Crawford Memorial Scholarship Fund

Or you can mail a check, payable to OCF with “Dana Ing Crawford Memorial Scholarship Fund” on the memo line, to the Oregon Community Foundation’s Portland office at:

Oregon Community Foundation
1221 SW Yamhill
Suite 100
Portland, OR  97205

The impact of Dana’s absence is immeasurable, but with time comes healing.  With your support her influence will endure for generations. To encourage both individuals and architecture firms to participate, ORW Architecture has made a lead gift of $5,000.  Scholarships will be awarded when the fund balance reaches $50,000.  We look forward to your support!