Call for Nominations - 2023 AIA Oregon Board of Directors

The 2022 AIA Oregon Board of Directors is pleased to call for nominations to the 2023 Board class.

The AIA Oregon Board of Directors manages the chapter’s fiduciary responsibility and oversees the work of the Executive Vice President / CEO. Board members represent the leadership of the industry during their term and beyond, becoming a valuable resource to allied partners in the A/E/C industry. Board members will also be called on to participate in discussions regarding policies and position statements for the chapter, checking for congruence with regional and national initiatives, while tracking progress on our own state strategic goals and objectives. As we have restructured, Directors to Sections are also an important part of our member service feedback loop. Three sections are currently seeking Director-Elects: Bend, Salem, and Southern Oregon.

Board members are expected to attend meetings held monthly for roughly 2 hours. That time commitment may be augmented with additional committee responsibilities; as such, nominees should expect between 4-5 hours of volunteer time per month will need to be dedicated to AIA Oregon business. Positions on the Executive Committee / with a higher time commitment are marked “++”

Currently, the following Board seats are open for nomination:

  • AIA Oregon President-Elect (1)++

    The President-elect is an AIA Oregon Board member and Officer representing all members of the State-wide Chapter. Together with other Board members, the President-elect provides leadership and oversight of the AIA Oregon Strategic Plan, annual operating budget, and fulfillment of AIA Oregon’s mission to serve and support its members.

    The President-elect shall possess all the powers and perform all the duties of the President in the event of the absence of the President or of the President's disability, refusal, or failure to act and shall perform such other duties as are properly assigned by the Board of Directors or the President.   The President-elect shall succeed to the office of President upon expiration of the term of office of the President.

    •       Term of office: One year as President-elect; two years as President; and one year as Past President.

    •       The President-elect is a member of the Executive Committee.

    •       Participates in Executive Committee, Finance Committee and Board meetings .

    •       Assists the President with Board leadership and communication with the Executive Committee and Chapter staff.

    •       Attends national leadership conferences, including Conference on Architecture and Grassroots.

    •       Directs strategic initiatives for implementation during term as President.

  • AIA Oregon Treasurer (1)++

The Treasurer is an AIA Oregon Board member and Officer representing all members of the State-wide Chapter. Together with other Board members, the Treasurer provides leadership and oversight of the AIA Oregon Strategic Plan, annual operating budget, and fulfillment of AIA Oregon’s mission to serve and support its members.

The Treasurer shall have charge and shall exercise general supervision of the financial affairs of the Chapter and oversee the financial operation implemented by the Executive Vice President and lead the development of the annual budgeting process.

•       Term of office: Two years.

•       The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Committee.

•           Participates in Executive Committee and Board meetings, and presides over Finance Committee meetings.

•           Reviews current financials with the Executive Vice President and their designee, assists in the preparation of the
monthly financial report, and summarizes the monthly financial report at Board meetings.

•           The Treasurer shall have check signing authority and sign checks if the Executive Vice President is unavailable.

•           The Treasurer shall not be personally liable for any loss of money or funds of this Chapter or for any decrease in
the capital, surplus, income or reserve of any fund or account resulting from any acts performed in good faith in
conducting the usual business of the office.

  • At Large Director (1)

    The At-large Director is an AIA Oregon Board position representing all members of the State-wide Chapter. Together with other Board members, the At-large Director provides leadership with oversight of the AIA Oregon Strategic Plan, annual operating budget, and fulfillment of AIA Oregon’s mission to serve and support its members.

The Director-At-large focus is predominantly toward state-wide issues and programs as opposed to that of the Section Director who’s focus is predominantly on the local Section.

•       Term of office: Two years.

•           Participates in Board meetings.

•           Liaison to committees per assignment to oversee Chapter-wide initiatives.

•           Facilitates leadership track for committee chair positions

•           Brings statewide issues of importance to the attention of the Board

•           Communicates with members through AIA Oregon media and through local directors

•           Facilitates member engagement and “recruitment”

•           Monitors delivery of member services

•           Helps to prepare budget for statewide initiatives for incorporation into state-wide budget

•           May include attendance at a state, regional or national leadership conference

  • Southern Oregon Section Director-Elect (1)

The Section Director-elect position is the future Section Director designee, but not a member of the Board.  However, the Section Director-elect is encouraged to participate in Board meetings and planning sessions.  The primary roles of the Section Director-elect are to learn the role the Section Director and to lead the local Section activities.  A secondary role is to assist in the implementation of Chapter-wide strategic initiatives.

•       Term of office: One year (subject to change), and then two years as Director

•       Support the Section Director In the role of board governance.

•       Participate and lead Section council or planning meetings.

•       Oversee and guide Section-specific events and initiatives.

•       Engage in special projects and initiatives as assigned by the President or the Board.


Board positions are only open to AIA Oregon members, including Associate members. Interested members should send a letter of interest, resume and personal headshot to Please address your letter to: The 2022 Board of Directors.

This call for nominations will remain open until October 7, when members will be invited to vote online for candidates. Online voting will remain open until October 15, and the new Board class will be announced as a part of the annual Oregon Design awards presentation, November 18.

Members may nominate themselves or their colleagues.

Questions about Board nominations can be directed to Heather Wilson: