Oregon COVID Restrictions Lifted - AIAO Reopening and Events

As of yesterday, restrictions for meeting in groups and in public places were lifted in Oregon, and we are anticipating our committees and sections getting back to business and meeting in person again. Some of our sections are planning outdoor events and picnics, some are planning continued zoom and hybrid meetings. AIA Oregon staff just want to let everyone know that we are here to answer your questions, help you organize and meet safety protocols, and provide guidance for your path back to face-to-face gatherings. We are eager to see your faces! Here’s what you need to know about how we plan to get back together:

  • Of course, if you are experiencing symptoms before any event, we hope that you will choose to stay at home. This is for everyone’s benefit. We will happily work out any refunds for payment as needed for events.

  • If you have knowingly been in contact with someone with COVID within 14 days or received a positive test result in that time frame, please opt to stay home and join us for a future event.

  • If you have no symptoms, but are in a population susceptible to illness, please wear a mask and social distance, even outdoors.

  • If you have been fully vaccinated, and have none of the issues above, you may choose to mask or not, however, we will keep masks on hand for those who would like to have them. We encourage the use of hand sanitizer and frequent hand washing.

As we being to join each other in person again, we will likely begin with open air / outdoor events. We will follow all state mandates and will require sign in / registration for contact tracing.

Thank you so much for supporting AIA Oregon as we have made a digital pivot during quarantine. We know that many of the benefits of meeting digitally are particularly helpful for those obtaining CE or participating in committee activity from around the state and will continue to offer digital opportunities to join events whenever beneficial and feasible. Thank you so much for all you do for AIA Oregon! Please feel free to contact Heather Wilson, AIA Oregon EVP / CEO with questions: hwilson@aiaoregon.org.