Welcoming AIA Oregon's Next EVP/CEO

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We are excited to announce a change to the leadership team at AIA Oregon. Heather Wilson will become our new executive vice president/CEO on April 26.

Heather joins us from AIA Utah, where she served as executive director since 2011. She has worked for AIA chapters for 16 years, also having served as director of programs and communications for AIA North Carolina.

At this critical point in AIA Oregon’s journey—as we look ahead to life without the restrictions of COVID-19, continue our journey as a single state chapter, and focus on integrating equity, diversity, and inclusion into all we do—Heather is well-positioned to guide us. Throughout her tenure with AIA, she has worn the many hats of an AIA executive: coach and lobbyist, event planner and leader. She has partnered with members to increase the value of membership, boost participation, create meaningful partnerships with other organizations, manage finances and operations to ensure ongoing growth, and more.

“Heather is energetic, positive, motivating and honest,” said Seth Anderson, recent AIA Oregon Past President and EVP Search Committee member. “She has empowered sections in Utah with valuable tools and resources, and I believe she will help our architect members break the mold and show others the benefit we bring.”

Throughout her career, Heather has shown creativity and a commitment to meaningful results. In 2018, she navigated a collaboration with the University of Utah’s College of Architecture and Planning to open the first student architectural design studio embedded in an AIA office. In addition to her involvement in design and construction of the studio, Heather helped secure nearly $400,000 in contributions and financing for the project.

An avid volunteer herself, Heather also understands the challenges of volunteering and uses that insight to support AIA members. For her, that means providing high-quality service, a listening ear, and tools to accomplish an organization’s strategic goals.

“I’m looking forward to [Heather’s] leadership and perspective as we emerge out of the pandemic and as AIA Oregon,” said Han-Mei Chiang, who served on the EVP Search task force.

The search for the new EVP/CEO kicked off in fall 2020 with the creation of a task force that included representatives from all five sections and a variety of architects at different levels in their careers. The job announcement garnered a response from 90 applicants and, after interviewing the most promising candidates, the task force recommended their choice to the board on March 19. 

Heather will succeed Curt Wilson, who has served as interim EVP/CEO since 2019.

“I don’t think we could have found a better person than Heather to help guide us at this critical moment,” Curt said. “She has experience with two other state chapters and has already demonstrated a strong capacity to observe and understand who we are and who are trying to be.”

Curt will stay on to support Heather during her first weeks in the role. His full time tenure ends on May 7.

Heather will start with AIA Oregon remotely from Utah and will move to Oregon with her family early this summer. We wish her a warm welcome as she takes on this important role in the AIA Oregon community!