AIA 2020 Policy Platform

A message from Timothy Hawk, FAIA
Chair, AIA Government Advocacy Committee

As a fellow architect and chair of the AIA Government Advocacy Committee (GAC), I am excited to finally share with you the 2020 AIA Policy Platform ! This Policy Platform serves as a statement on AIA's policy priorities for the final U.S. presidential candidates and administration. The AIA is launching this Policy Platform in an effort to better define our advocacy priorities for the next administration and Congress, and to ensure that AIA's voice is heard.

This is the first time that AIA has provided a Policy Platform to the major presidential candidates, Congress, and other policymakers. AIA was very intentional in formulating a singular platform statement, rather than a partisan one. We hope that this will encourage members of all political parties to reach across the aisle to better address the growing needs in the built environment and beyond. I think we can all agree that the acrimony in Washington continues to stifle productivity and progress. 

AIA has already shared its Policy Platform with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Republican National Committee (RNC). The Policy Platform focuses on three key areas: the economy (infrastructure), climate action, and healthy and equitable communities.

It is critical to note that the AIA GAC worked with AIA Knowledge Communities, component executives, and leadership to establish the parameters and substance for this Platform. If you find the AIA 2020 Policy Platform as inspiring as I do, please feel free to share it with your friends and colleagues. AIA will also be working with interested component leaders to further distribute this to state and municipal leaders.   

Finally, it is more important than ever that we, as architects, exercise our right to vote. If you would like to register to vote or request an absentee ballot, please go to the AIA's Voter Registration Center. You will find information about the candidates, absentee voting, early voting, and more.

In the meantime, be safe and be well.

Thank you,

Timothy Hawk, FAIA
Chair, AIA Government Advocacy Committee

HUD rollback of Fair Housing policy puts communities at risk - AIA Press Release

Housing inequities in American communities will be exacerbated by dismantled rule.

WASHINGTON – July 29, 2020 – The American Institute of Architects (AIA) condemns the recently announced rollback of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) provision (2015) of the 1968 Fair Housing Act.

Under the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, communities receiving federal subsidies were required to analyze racial segregation in housing and then submit plans to reverse such trends. The AFFH rule had been weakened in recent years. In 2018, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) eliminated the Local Government Assessment Tool, which was designed to help local governments combat racial segregation in subsidized housing. However, the Administration’s latest actions have officially nullified the original AFFH rule and its intent.

2020 AIA Annual Meeting

AIA 2020 Annual Meeting

The AIA 2020 annual meeting will be called to order at 1pm (ET) on September 1, 2020. The meeting will be conducted by means of electronic communication (virtually). Delegates will be able to participate in the proceedings of the meeting by means of such electronic communication in a manner that will be disclosed directly to delegates following accreditation. The agenda will include adoption of the rules of conduct for the meeting; call for nominations from the floor; report of the Credentials Committee; report of the Resolutions Committee; report of the Institute’s financial status; and reports from the AIA President and others as time permits. Time is also reserved for a “town hall,” allowing for delegates to speak on matters of interest.

No amendments to the Institute Bylaws will be under consideration, and no resolutions are scheduled for consideration, during this year’s annual meeting.