2020 Candidates for National Office
Candidates declared by Feb, 17, 2020, were invited to make speeches at AIA Grassroots 2020 in New Orleans. Browse candidates and speeches below:
2021-2023 At-large Director (one will be elected)
Jeffrey S. Ferweda, AIA (AIA Flint/AIA Michigan) Ferweda speech >
Ryan J. Gann, Assoc. AIA (AIA Chicago/AIA Illinois) Gann speech >
Kevin Harris, Assoc. AIA (AIA Seattle/AIA Washington Council)
Laura A. Lesniewski, AIA (AIA Kansas City/AIA Missouri) Lesniewski speech >
Belinda J. Stewart, FAIA (AIA Mississippi) Stewart speech >
2021-2022 Secretary
Edward A. Bernard, AIA (AIA Atlanta/AIA Georgia) Bernard speech >
Brian J. Frickie, AIA (AIA Northern Virginia/AIA Virginia) Frickie Speech >
William R. Turner Jr., AIA, LEED AP (AIA Colorado) Turner speech >
2021 First Vice President/2022 President-elect
Daniel Stephen Hart, FAIA (AIA Austin/AIA Texas Society of Architects) Hart speech >
Edward A. Vance, FAIA (AIA Las Vegas/AIA Nevada) Vance speech>
Annual meeting, accreditation, and voting
Online accreditation of delegates will open at 9am (ET) on July 1, 2020, and close at 5pm (ET) on August 14, 2020.
AIA 2020 Annual Meeting
The AIA 2020 annual meeting will be called to order at 1pm (ET) on September 1, 2020. The meeting will be conducted by means of electronic communication (virtually). Delegates will be able to participate in the proceedings of the meeting by means of such electronic communication in a manner that will be disclosed directly to delegates following accreditation. The agenda will include adoption of the rules of conduct for the meeting; call for nominations from the floor; report of the Credentials Committee; report of the Resolutions Committee; report of the Institute’s financial status; and reports from the AIA President and others as time permits. Time is also reserved for a “town hall,” allowing for delegates to speak on matters of interest.
No amendments to the Institute Bylaws will be under consideration, and no resolutions are scheduled for consideration, during this year’s annual meeting.
2020 Official Delegate Information Booklet >
Regional Caucuses
Regional caucuses will take place by electronic means (virtually) on September 2, 2020. Details will be published in the Official Delegate Information Booklet.
Voting for Candidates
Voting for candidates will be conducted by electronic means. Voting will open at 5pm (ET) on September 2, 2020, and close at 5pm (ET) on September 4, 2020. In the event of a runoff for the office of Secretary, voting will open at 7pm (ET) on September 4, 2020, and close at 5pm (ET) on September 8, 2020. Results will be announced on September 8, 2020.