Message from Heather Wilson, AIA Oregon EVP/CEO


Heather Wilson

2025 Legislative Session and Key Industry Updates

Dear Members,

As we kick off 2025, I’m asking for your help.

We have a robust legislative session ahead of us. It is already underway, and our lobbyist, Cindy Robert, has prepared this year’s Priority Bill Tracking Sheet, which I invite you review. These bills have been distilled from the first 2200 bills released this week, (she expects at about 2000 more) and we appreciate Cindy’s time in reviewing. If you have done your own review and have additions, comments, or edits, please reach out to us. We are happy to incorporate additions. Bills can be found on the Oregon State Legislature Website: Oregon Legislative Information System

We are also continuing our participation in the Industry Forum – a group that consists of members from ACEC Oregon, (American Council of Engineering Companies of Oregon) PLSO (Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon) AGC Oregon (Associated General Contractors of Oregon) and AIA Oregon. Minutes from the meetings will be published here, which sometimes include Forum Joint Recommendations on key legislative issues. Those will also be published here. Often, we discuss pressing concerns in each of our industries, either seeking good ideas or ways we can collaborate to create solutions that benefit the entire industry.

Participating in this group has expanded our professional alliance group and keeps us in the know about the key issues facing each of our professions on a national and local scale. This allows us to find areas of shared concern with common legislative and practice-related issues we can collaborate on to increase our effectiveness with local and state lawmakers.

The group meets quarterly in Salem at the offices of David Evans Associates. Meeting dates and agendas will be published as determined. Attendance is limited, so please contact Heather Wilson with any interest in participation. 

And please consider participating in our Legislative Affairs Committee (LAC). We are engaged in “Long Session” this year, which means our Legislative session runs through June. This year, among other things, we will be working to amend or fully oppose HB 2141, which is an Interior Designers Registration act. Among other things, the bill as written makes sweeping amendments to our existing Architects Practice Act. Instead, we will work with the IIDA members workgroup and lobbyist to craft a bill that does not append to, edit, or alter our existing practice act. We do not need to redefine architecture to help the Interior Designers define their practice.

It's a busy year already, and I know everyone is off to a sprinting start. It’s not an easy ask of your time, but one where you will find the power of your association and see the value of your membership investment in action. Please consider joining the LAC Committee to learn more!

Cheers to a great 2025, and many thanks in advance for your participation,

Heather Wilson