Message from the AIAO EVP/CEO


Heather Wilson

Next steps for AIA Oregon Headquarters Task Force

Dear AIA Oregon members,

I am writing to update you on the next steps for the AIA Oregon headquarters task force. You may have seen our Thursday Roundtable originally scheduled for this evening is cancelled. With the limited number of registrants, we decided we could meet individually with those who still have questions, feedback, or input. Please feel free to reach out directly at any time.

As you know, the task force was created to develop a vision for AIA Oregon's new headquarters that would serve our statewide community, represent the best of architecture, model climate resilience, support a diverse, inclusive profession, and offer opportunities for partnership and collaboration.

To do that, the task force has been working hard to gather input from AIA Oregon members and stakeholders throughout the state. We have held a series of listening sessions, conducted surveys, and engaged with members on social media. This has been a coordinated and thoughtful approach led by Elisa Ahn, AIA and Alan Scott, AIA, the task force co-chairs. Along with our communications consultants, they conceptualized and presented complex issues and considerations with digestible graphics and easily understood prompts for feedback. Our full task force includes members from every section and most levels of membership. Thank you for your efforts.

Task Force Members:

Alan Scott, AIA Portland
Elisa Ahn, AIA Portland
(co chairs)

Matt Jacoby, AIA Portland
Mohamed Fakhry, AIA Portland
Abraham Rodriguez Guzman, AIA Portland
Sara Bergby, AIA Bend
Ian Schmidt, AIA Bend
Samuel Uccello, AIA Southern Oregon
Bill Seider, AIA Eugene
Kaley Fought, AIA Salem

What the task force learned is that our membership has different needs in different areas, and to serve the whole state, we’ll need to be innovative, collaborative, and thoughtful. Mainly, members want us to consider their desire for a fiscally responsible solution. Universally, members want us to remain aware of what they want most out of a solution that serves us all:

  • Multiple locations across the state, to better serve our statewide membership.

  • Spaces that are flexible and adaptable to meet the changing needs of our members.

  • Spaces that are welcoming and inclusive, and that reflect the diversity of our profession.

  • Spaces that are sustainable and resilient, and that model the best practices of good design.

See all the results and feedback we’ve received so far:

The task force and Board of Directors will now engage in the process of developing a detailed plan for implementing these recommendations. This plan will include a timeline, budget, and funding strategy.

We will be sharing the task force's plan with AIA Oregon members in the coming months. We will also be holding another series of town hall meetings to get feedback on the plan and to answer any questions that members may have at that time.

I am grateful to the members of the headquarters task force for their hard work and dedication. I am also grateful to all the AIA Oregon members who have participated in the task force's process and who have shared their input. Thank you for all you have done to create a new headquarters that will serve our statewide membership and the architecture profession in Oregon for many years to come.


Heather Wilson