Message from the AIAO EVP/CEO


Heather Wilson
AIAO Executive Vice President/CEO

Linking Action to Intention

Have you seen how ODC22 is shaping up? 3 days, 5 featured speakers, 2 parties! Don’t miss it!

The excitement generating between committee and Board members, AIA Oregon staff and our alliedpartners is getting palpable! We are really looking forward to welcoming membership back to in-person event attendance as well as providing a quality digital experience for those who prefer to stay at home.

We’ve come through 2 years of pandemic and hopefully we have learned so much that we can put into practice when we meet, including sharing what we’ve been working on, the way we see the profession shaping solutions for our new landscape, and just having fun seeing each other.

What can you expect? Three days of presentations on practice and design culture, the opportunity to ask lots of questions and even a little yoga. The Sentinel Hotel will serve as our venue –and they are offering a discounted stay for our members, so consider staying overnight. With good food and evening receptions, you can also stick around and avoid traffic nightmares talking with your colleagues about all we’ve missed while we’ve been apart.

Those who register for the digital experience will be able to tune into live broadcast presentations of our Featured Speakers. Breakout sessions will be recorded and shared with registrants for 6 weeks. You won’t want to miss the opportunity to hear from these great presenters, reconnect with fellow architects and allied members. Register today, and set your intention toward inspiring interaction in Portland, Oregon June 1-3!