Message from the Honorary Co-Chair of the Chris White/AIA Oregon Golf Glassic


Amy White 
Honorary Co-Chair 
Chris White / AIA Oregon Sponsorship Golf Classic 

Hello Everyone, 

Heather and the team at AIA Oregon invited me to share some reflections around the upcoming 6th Annual Chris White / AIA Oregon Sponsorship Golf Classic scheduled for Friday, September 24 at Landon Farms in Aurora, Oregon.  The Classic began in 2015 to bring the local architecture community together to celebrate and strengthen the close connections and comradery that uniquely exists among architects and across member firms, while supporting the mentorship and development of emerging professionals - with the proceeds from the event creating a scholarship fund.  As the spouse of its namesake architect, who has instead spent my career in the corporate world, I have always found it amazing to see the relationships and collaboration in the architecture community and the power of those connections to further both professional advancement and personal enrichment.  I sometimes wonder if those of you in this profession realize how special that is. 

Through this golf tournament, I’ve had an opportunity to witness this phenomenon in action each September as I see AIA members and their friends, colleagues, and partners step away from their desks on a Friday afternoon to enjoy a fun event (that feels more like a party) and to see old friends and meet new ones.  The Classic’s inclusive scramble format ensures even the serious golfers don’t take their game too seriously, and the once-a-year novices are encouraged to take part with best-ball, mulligan, and putt-string concessions available to help level the playing field! 

For me, our sons, and our family and friends who participate each year, the Chris White / AIA Oregon Sponsorship Golf Classic is a day we look forward to and thoroughly enjoy.  We appreciate how welcoming the AIA community has been to allow us to share this day, and love to see so many who knew Chris, while meeting others who share his passion for ensuring the next generation of architects are supported in their professional development and enjoy a beautiful afternoon on the golf course.  I hope you will make time to join us on September 24, and I look forward to meeting and seeing you out at Landon Farms! 

All the best, 

Amy White 
Honorary Co-Chair 
Chris White / AIA Oregon Sponsorship Golf Classic