Message from the AIAO President


Amy Vohs, AIA
AIAO President

EVP/CEO Search Update

Hello everyone, I wanted to touch base with you on our search for a new Executive Vice President/CEO for AIA Oregon. As you may be aware, Curt Wilson has been our EVP/CEO for the last year and a half in an interim capacity. He remained in the role long enough to allow us enough time to find a permanent replacement.  In the fall of 2020 we created an EVP/CEO search task force with representation from all sections and a variety of architects at different levels in their careers to get a well-rounded selection committee.

In December, we announced the posting on various national job websites and received over 90 applicants which took us three weeks to review and narrow down to about 20.  In January the task force reviewed the selection down again to about 14 applicants. We then extended an invitation to this group to provide a video responding to specific questions we had about AIA Oregon and a little background on each person.  Of the 14 applicants, eight responded with videos the task force later reviewed. From these videos we narrowed the selection down to three individuals who were invited to interview via Zoom.  

The final three applicants had extensive experience in working with non-profits and would have brought a very unique approach to working with AIA Oregon. The task force recommended one individual to the board on March 19, 2021 to begin negotiations with one candidate who has specific experience with other chapters within AIA.  We look forward to introducing you to the new EVP/CEO next week as negotiations conclude.  A preliminary schedule is to have the new EVP/CEO in place by the end of April with some overlap with Curt Wilson assisting with the transition through the beginning of May. 

We are very excited about the future leadership of AIA Oregon and have had some really exciting discussions on moving this chapter forward. We will miss all of the wonderful organizational skills and passion that Curt has brought to the organization. I know he is eager to get back into the practice of architecture. Please look for the announcement in next week’s Thursday at 3.