Message from the Bend Section Director

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Sara Bergby, AIA
AIA Bend Section Director

2020 was a year like no other. We experienced a global pandemic, social distancing and a transition to digital communications to help limit the spread, a presidential election that caused stress and rifts in many American households, a new recognition of the racial injustices embedded in our country’s fabric, and a surprising push for change to address those issues. So much change and stress has led many in our country to feel cut off and adrift. Zoom meetings, while an exciting change early in the year, have become uninspiring to many who wish to be able to enjoy a cup of coffee with their fellow peers without having to worry about a mask or the distance across the table.

I know that most of us hope that 2021 will bring a return to some level of normalcy. However, it will take time and patience before we can go back to normal – and even then, the new “normal” will likely be different from what we considered normal a few years ago. For now, AIA Oregon is continuing to do our best to develop events and content that, though digital, will inspire our members and help them remember that they matter. We are continuing to develop our Digital Design Series and are adjusting our happy hour events to better suit the needs of our members. We have requested member feedback on topics for these events and have opened individual Section Steering Committee meetings to members through the digital platform – something that would have been much more difficult to achieve with in-person Steering Committee meetings.

As the Director of the Bend Section of AIA Oregon, I hope to see 2021 become a year of positive change for our Section. I feel that the first two years of our Section’s existence have had to focus more on building a foundation than creating a community , and the next few years provide an opportunity for greater growth and development. I hope that the members of our Section will feel that they belong, that they are supported, and that their involvement in AIA provides them with a network of like-minded people to whom they can reach out for fellowship or support. I hope to see more members reach out with suggestions for events, requests to become more involved, or opportunities for members to get involved in improving our community. Most of all, I hope that regardless of what the new normal of 2021 looks like, the Bend Section of AIA Oregon will come to provide a vibrant community hub for architects and our peers in the design and construction industry.

To support this effort, I plan to incorporate multiple event concepts into the Bend Section over the next year. First, we will be putting on our own People’s Choice Awards, starting with project submissions in the spring and ending in the summer with winner interview presentations. Assuming we are able to resume in-person events later in the year, I hope to be able to put on a member picnic in the fall and our second holiday party in December, as well as resume our popular Thirsty Third Thursday gatherings. I am also open to other ideas from members about ways that we can provide events and content that support our membership. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at with any suggestions or if you would like to become involved.

If I have learned anything from the events of 2020, it’s that we can’t predict what will happen even in the next few weeks, much less the next year and beyond. We can only plan for the best and make adjustments as needed if things derail our plans. I hope that our AIA Oregon and Bend Section members will work with me to help grow the Bend Section into a strong and vibrant resource for our community.