Message from the 2020 AIA NW+PR Director and Strategic Council Representative


Rod Ashley, FAIA
2020 AIA NW+PR Director and Strategic Council Representative

As the year 2020 comes to its close, there is no doubt that this is a year that we will never forget. And as the year ends, so does my tenure as the Region Representative to the Strategic Council and as a director of the AIA Northwest and Pacific Region. It has been a privilege to both lead the Region and represent its members on the Council. The last three years have been some of the most rewarding and gratifying times I have experienced working within the AIA, and I hope that much of my work along with other members of the Council’s Work Groups will have had a lasting impact upon the Institute. I urge any of you interested in serving on the Council to please contact me and consider your opportunities as a Strategic Councilor.

Most members know very little about the Strategic Council and many members have never even heard of it. Next year it is anticipated that the Council will be recognized on the Institute’s website with more than a single page with a simple mission statement and list of members. After six years in existence, the Council is expecting to have the opportunity to share its work with all AIA members. To date, annual work has been presented to the Board to inform them of opportunities, disrupters, and issues the Institute should be examining to stay healthy and impactful.

My classmates, the Class of 2020, have often joked about all of us having “perfect vision’ when approaching our duties on the Council, and have used the phrase often around other Councilors. However, we now humbly acknowledge there is no way we ever saw this year playing out the way it has - this year being a different year than I have ever experienced. The last time the AIA met in person was in New Orleans at Grassroots in the middle of February; the annual Conference on Architecture to be held in Los Angeles was cancelled, and all other meetings were held virtually throughout the year. And the end of year meetings and celebrations were no different.

If you have paid attention to discussions among leadership, you may have heard mention of Governance Week at the Institute. The name itself sums up the purpose of those five days spent in Washington DC – a week spent reviewing accomplishments and disappointments of the year, planning for the next year, and of course end of the year transitions to the next year. And this being the year 2020, even virtual Governance Week was different. The Strategic Council started early and met on Friday, December 4.  Robert Ivy, FAIA and AIA EVP/CEO gave an encouraging update about the Institute, followed by a review of the 2021 Operating Plan and Budget which was approved by the Council. After summarizing the past year and welcoming the new Council Class of 2023, end-of-year reports from the five work groups were presented to the Council. Each work group assessed their work with alignment to the Strategic Plan, the Big Move, and other Institute initiatives.

 Topics researched and reported on this year, and edited descriptions from work group abstracts included:


  • Climate Leadership Beyond 2030 – “explored the consequences to the profession and the built environment if AIA meets the 2020 Climate Action Plan goals – and if they are not met. Given the events of 2020, the focus was on the nexus of climate change with other critical issues, including environmental justice, structural racism, equity, pandemics, human health, and geo-political instability. Scenarios were developed that specifically examined the interplay of equity and climate change and in so doing illuminated opportunities to enhance the potential impacts of AIA’s Climate Action Plan.”

  •  Affordable & Equitable Housing – “Demand for affordable and equitable housing is rising at a faster rate than the design and construction industry can currently meet. Work has brought into focus the realization that in order to thrive in the new environmental, social, and economic context, communities must successfully integrate equitable housing. Through this work, opportunities have been identified for the AIA to support architect’s efforts to affirm the right to housing. Participating in the development of a pathway to achieving this right should be a primary commitment within the AIA.”

  • Mental Health + Architecture – “Architecture and design have an impact on personal and social health. This impact can be either negative or positive, and it is important for all architects to understand this. In times of crisis, as well as in normality, architects must be able to identify and design places that nurture, build community, and promote positive mental health and well-being, in and through architecture.”

  • The Rural Agenda – “Rural architectural practice and communities suffer two major problems since 2009: ISOLATION and LACK OF ACCESS to resources. As an organizational stakeholder in the New Urban Agenda, the Institute now has an opportunity to develop the symbiotic complimentary Agenda for the equitable and sustainable practice of architecture affecting 19.3% of our population and 95% of the U.S. landmass.”

  • Technology Impacting Practice – “Our world is rapidly changing, technology is an equalizer and enabler, and at the same time can be a threat to our profession.”

 On Monday, my Technology Impacting Practice Work Group presented a two- and one-half -hour end of year summary with taped presentations by twelve experts who are advancing or using technology in ways that most of us are unaware of. Assigned to groups of three topics, presenters focused these themes –


  • LEAD OR FOLLOW? New Ways of Delivery;

  • INNOVATE OR DIE? New Ways of Practice, and

  • FOR RICHER OR POORER? New Ways of Monetization.

 Each session was followed by a question and answer period with questions from the audience to the presenters who were virtually present. Although several presenters were architects, they had left practice to focus on creating tools to advance practice. However, the last presenter was Craig Curtis, FAIA now a Partner and Director of Emerging Building Technologies at Mithun in Seattle, and formally a partner with Miller Hull and most recently Chief Architect at Katerra. Hearing from “one of us” was a great conclusion to our discussion.

The end of the day was devoted to hearing from outgoing Councilors and presenting them with their Louise Blanchard Bethune Fellowships, named after the first woman admitted to an architectural association, the first woman admitted to the AIA, and the first woman member of the AIA College of Fellows. After a few parting words, it was time to press the “Leave Meeting” button on our virtual gathering. A very sudden end to three years of working with colleagues and extremely good friends. 

One of the highlights of being a Strategic Councilor is the privilege of voting for several AIA awards that are bestowed at the highest level of the Institute. Along with the Board of Directors, Strategic Councilors vote for the AIA Gold Medal recipient, the AIA Architecture Firm Award, the Kemper Award, and the Whitney Young Award. On Tuesday at the joint meeting of the AIA Board and Strategic Council, nominations for these awards were heard and voted on.


  • This year the Gold Medal, the highest award the Institute can bestow upon a member, was given to Edward Mazria, FAIA – the founder and custodian of the 2030 Challenge and other offshoots of his initiative. Undoubtedly the most serious crisis we are facing today, Ed was recognized for his foresight and unwavering commitment to battling climate change and providing opportunities and solutions for addressing climate action. First awarded in 1907 to Sir Aston Webb from the United Kingdom, the award has been awarded annually all but 13 years since its inception. Pietro Belluschi, FAIA, from Portland is the only recipient of the Gold Medal from our Region, and was awarded this prestigious honor in 1972.

  • Moody Nolan and Associates, an architecture/engineering firm from the heartland of Ohio was recognized as the AIA Architecture Firm this year.  From their sponsor’s letter, William Bates, FAIA and past AIA President states “The most compelling reason for this nomination is their dedication to enhancing the profession’s value to society…Their community outreach sets a new standard of leadership for other firms to follow.” Founded in 1882, founder Curtis Moody soon joined forces with engineering firm Howard E. Nolan & Associates and Moody Nolan has now grown into the largest African American owned architectural practice. A leader in designing affordable housing, their portfolio speaks of the breadth and depth of work they have accomplished during their time together. Collaborating with other practices throughout the country and with twelve national offices and over 200 employees, they have completed work in 45 states and 44 foreign countries. This award comes at a time when leadership in the firm is being passed from founder Curtis Moody, FAIA NOMA to his son Jonathan Moody, AIA NOMA.

  •  “…An exceptional activist architect who never ceases to amaze…,” Pascale Sablan, FAIA was awarded the Whitney M. Young Award for her work “that extends the profession beyond the normal boundaries into the community of underserved citizens.” A younger practitioner, she has garnered attention for her leadership, mentorship, designs, and activism. She was instrumental in organizing the SAY IT LOUD exhibit and lecture tour, expounding on the importance of architecture in solving problems of today and tomorrow. In addition, Pascale is an active member of NOMA and served as historian and northeast regional vice president; was on the AIA New York’s Board of Directors; and recently served on the AIA National Strategic Planning Committee.

  •  Anthony P. Schirripa, FAIA, IIDA was awarded the Edward C. Kemper Award for his relentless commitment to “keeping a larger vision of the value of architects and acting as a citizen architect.” Practicing in New York City, Tony was instrumental in helping create the Center for Architecture in New York. He is the Chairman Emeritus at Mancini Duffy, was AIANY President in 2010, and has served two separate terms on the National Board. In addition, he has taken part in allied industry organizations advocating for architects. These activities include the New York Building Congress; the Brooklyn Technical High School; and the PENCIL Program.

  •  The AIA/ACSA (Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture) Topaz Medallion for Architectural Education was awarded to Kathryn H. Anthony, PhD. The award is presented to those who “educate others to ensure architecture’s enduring excellence”. Kathryn has been an educator for more than four decades, a former president of the ACSA, and is presently an ACSA Distinguished Professor at the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was pointed out that she is “widely recognized for placing diversity, inclusion, and social justice at the forefront of her pedagogy.”

Another highlight of voting for these prestigious honors is getting to listen to the awardees hear the announcement of their award first hand. Immediately following the vote, the Gold Medal and Firm Award winners are called by the President and the reactions can be priceless!

On Wednesday and Thursday, the Board met and at the end of the day Thursday, President Jane Frederick, FAIA, gave her virtual Year-End Message, followed by 2021 President Peter Exley, FAIA and his President’s Inaugural Message to AIA’s members. Not the usual pomp and circumstances, but meaningful messages.

Please pay attention to upcoming notifications from National AIA regarding updates to the “Adaptive Reuse of State Components Approach” for dissolving regions and changing how members are selected to serve on the Strategic Council, and on the status of A’21 AIA Conference on Architecture planned for Philadelphia from June 16 - 19. Grassroots will be held virtually this year between February 16 and 19.

On a closing note, no year is ever complete without some suggested change, and this year is no exception. As repositioning was occurring, the long-trusted symbol of the Institute was also changing. Repositioning was meant to bring components into alignment with one another, and branding of the Institute was undergoing the same. The “eagle” was simplified to a more graphic representation and was the start of an entire branding mission that introduced a new typeface, color schemes, and instructions on how the new brand was to be used.

Several months ago, a new look was announced for the Institute and I will let you look for yourself at what is coming your way in 2021. Guidelines for use of the logo are also found here.

I hope this finds all of you well and ready for a joyous holiday season and looking forward to a meaningful and prosperous new year. Thank you for your encouragement and support.