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September Urban Design Panel - Oregon Urban Growth Boundary

Regional Insight on the Urban Growth Boundary History, Process, and Updates 

AICP CMs Available: #9296513

The September Urban Design Panel will showcase Oregon's long history with thoughtful land use planning. Eryn Kehe and Ted Reid from Metro will share how a foundational tool - the Oregon Urban Growth Boundary - has protected farms and forests while helping shape vibrant, sustainable urban communities throughout the Portland region.

Over the past four decades, the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) has helped the Portland metro region minimize its carbon footprint and focus development in town centers and along transportation corridors, providing easier access to destinations where people live, work, play and study.

Oregon state law requires a comprehensive review of land use every six years, with an opportunity for local jurisdictions to identify a need and make a request for urban growth boundary expansion. In the coming months, the Metro Council will make their 2024 growth management decision against a backdrop of new regional challenges and opportunities, informed by a shared desire to improve housing affordability, community stability, downtown revitalization, and equitable economic growth. Eryn and Ted will share their insight on the analysis and process of updating the region's UGB, and its ongoing role in contributing to urban design at a regional scale. 


Eryn Kehe
Urban Policy and Development Manager

Ted Reid
Principal Regional Planner