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Urban Design Panel Presentation

Equity has become a growing focal point in recent years, and for many projects across the Metro region is now a mandated goal. We will explore what this meant for the Park Ave Community Project, and how approaches were adapted in light of the many challenges presented during the course of 2020. Please join us for a presentation of the equitable engagement approach to the Park Ave Community Project and lessons learned along the way, followed by a lively discussion about equity in the design profession.

About the presenters

Lorraine Gonzales

Lorraine Gonzales is a Senior Planner at Clackamas County, and has worked in the land use planning profession for twenty years. Most recently, she has been the Senior Planner for Clackamas County’s efforts on the Park Ave Community project. She is also currently serving as an ISOCARP USA delegate.

Erin Reome, AICP, LEED AP BD+C

Erin has been working in the design profession since 2005, and is a Senior Associate, Planner, and Project Manager at SERA Architects. Erin has worked on projects at a variety of scales for both public and private clients across the Pacific Northwest and Bay area. She has recently been managing the consultant team efforts for the Park Ave Community Project.


Anita Yap

Anita Yap is the Founding Partner of the MultiCultural Collaborative, and specializes in working with local, regional and state governments to engage with communities to inform public policy, urban design and best practices in community engagement. She is recognized as a leader in Oregon for working with local communities with an approach that centers racial equity, diversity and inclusion. Anita has been leading the equitable engagement efforts for the Park Ave Community Project.


Alisa Pyszka, LEED AP

Alisa is the President of Bridge Economic Development and has over 20 years of experience in urban planning and real estate and economic development. With extensive experience working for both public agencies and private developers, Alisa has a range of technical and strategic skills that enable great places to get built. Recently, Alisa has been providing economic and real estate expertise to the Park Ave Community Project, including leading the team’s efforts on business anti-displacement.