The road to licensure is built on dedication, but too often, it's riddled with obstacles like reliance on firm resources and limited access to guidance and support. These obstacles lead to impassable roadblocks that often end the pursuit towards licensure.

AIA Oregon’s Emerging Professional’s Committee decided it’s time to remove those road blocks.


What do I get if I get accepted?


So you have a question…

    • No, you do not. We will give preference to members if there are more than 10 applicants.

    • You can still connect with your mentor to get support in your studies.

    • You will no longer have access to free Black Spectacles.

    • You can still apply! We ask that you have an NCARB Record.

    • No, we have designed our events to be hybrid, so any associate from across the state can get access to PAA’s programing.

    • Reach out to Paul, and he’ll answer your questions:

    • Important: Do not feed Paul after Midnight.


Important Dates


Event Dates

  • Program Introduction

  • Intro to Licensure with Jenny Cestnik

  • Speed Networking

  • Panel Discussion: Paths After Licensure

  • A conversation with NCARB

  • Program Celebration