Call for Applications - 2024 AIA Oregon Board at Large Director

The 2023 AIA Oregon Board of Directors is pleased to call for applications for At-Large Director.

This is a deliberate change from “nomination” to application, in the hopes that the intention of inclusion and belonging are clearly shared and understood. This process is not closed, nor are there membership prerequisites. If you are a member of AIA Oregon (Associate, International Associate, or AIA), then you are eligible for application.

Also, if you are a member of NOMA nationally or locally, you are considered eligible for AIA Oregon leadership, and we extend the full rights and privileges of membership in AIA Oregon to all NOMA members. That includes member pricing on events, opportunities to lead, and participation in awards programs.

Portland Architecture Seen/Scene

Join us for an exciting event that celebrates the young creative community of Portland!

Get ready to immerse yourself in the design and art at The Canyons PDX located in 3450 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97227, USA. There will be a range of UO student work represented across studios and seminars from the last school year on public display. We're excited for the opportunity to invite incoming students to mix with current students, alumni and local professionals!

Whether you're an architecture enthusiast or simply curious , this in-person event promises to showcase compelling designs and artwork. Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore and appreciate the Portland Architecture Seen/Scene Series!

Cheers to 49 Years - Bill Seider, FAIA

Cheers to Bill Seider’s 49 Years at PIVOT Architecture!

For nearly half a century, Bill Seider, FAIA, has had immeasurable influence at PIVOT. He has shown us how to be professionals, how details matter, and how to laugh while we work. He has been a leader in the practice of architecture locally in Eugene, statewide in Oregon, and nationally at the AIA. In retirement, his enduring legacy will continue to shine as PIVOT builds on his foundation with continued success.

Join us and celebrate at the PIVOT Architecture office, September 21 starting at 4 p.m.