Mark McKechnie, AIA, Presents his Net Zero Fellowship Research

Net Zero Fellowship Presentation: Low-Income Multifamily Housing Strategies

Energy Trust of Oregon is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2020 Net Zero Fellowship, Mark McKechnie, will share his research in September.  

McKechnie used data provided by Klamath Housing Authority to explore high-performance design strategies and financing solutions for constructing energy-efficient low-income multifamily housing. Based on his research, McKechnie has created resources that housing authorities and developers can use to evaluate and rate a range of energy-saving options according to the cost of construction and return on investment. Hear about his research at one of the three upcoming events.

CEUs: 1.5 AIA HSW or 1.5 CCB pending approval

Webinar presentations through GoToWebinar.
GoToWebinar login information provided at event registration.

All presentations will be live and offered virtually. Please register for a date that best suits your schedule and regional interest. 

Tuesday, Sept. 21
Webinar presentation: Noon to 1 p.m.
Q&A: 1 to 1:30 p.m.
Registration link:

Tuesday, Sept. 28
Webinar presentation: Noon to 1 p.m.
Q&A: 1 to 1:30 p.m.
Registration link:


Thursday, Sept. 30
Webinar presentation: 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Q&A: 4:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Registration link:

Kriya Kaping, market outreach specialist, Energy Trust New Buildings

About the presenter
Mark McKechnie, 2020 Net Zero Fellow

Mark McKechnie has been a practicing architect for over 40 years. For the past 12 years, he has been the principal of Oregon Architecture, Inc., an architecture firm in Southern Oregon that specializes in historic redevelopment, energy-efficient structures, assembly uses and multifamily housing.

For more information on Energy Trust’s Net Zero Fellowship and to see past recipients, please visit our Net Zero Grants web page.


In June of this year at the annual board meeting held at the AIA21 National Conference on Architecture, the membership voted to approve a bylaws change that removes the regions layer of the AIA structure.  The region that we currently belong to is the Northwest and Pacific Region and it is the largest region in the country including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Hawaii, Alaska and the Mariana Islands.

The approval of this bylaws change means that our region will go through a process of dissolving and the duties that have been traditionally handled by the region chapter will move to the state chapters, in our case AIA Oregon. The primary tasks include selection of a state representative to the National Strategic Council as well as management of representatives to several National groups such as the Young Architects Forum, the National Associates Committee, the Small Firm Exchange and the College of Fellows.

Our region has assembled a taskforce to tackle the processes that the dissolution requires, and we estimate that the work will be complete and read for final approval by the annual meeting in September 2022. The future of the Regional Design Awards and the NW&P Regional Leadership Summit will also be discussed as part of this process. 

If you have any questions about the dissolution of the region, please feel free to reach out to me.


Heather Wilson
AIAO Executive Vice President

2021 Oregon Architecture Awards Jury Chair Announced

We are pleased to announce that Pascale Sablan, FAIA, NOMA, LEED AP, will be our 2021 Oregon Architecture Awards Jury Chair.

Pascale Sablan, FAIA, NOMA, LEED AP, Associate at Adjaye Associates, has been on the team for a variety of mixed-use, commercial, cultural & residential projects in the U.S., Saudi Arabia, India, & UAE. Pascale is the 315th living African American female architect in the U.S. Pascale has given lectures at Institutions, such as the National Museum of African American History & Culture and the United Nations Visitor Centre. She lectured and engaged students at Universities and Colleges all over the nation.

She is the Founder and Executive Director of Beyond the Built Environment, (BBE) positioned to uniquely address the inequitable disparities in architecture by providing a holistic platform aimed to support numerous stages of the architecture pipeline.

BBE elevates the identities and contributions of women and BIPOC designers through exhibitions, curated lectures, and documentaries that testify to the provided value of their built work and its spatial impact. Pascale curated 24 SAY IT LOUD exhibitions which were all paired with relevant programming speaking to the mission. The SAY IT LOUD - United Nations Visitors Centre, exhibition created a tremendous opportunity for exposure and echoing the call to action to the leaders of our world. The UN generously offered to transform this exhibition into posters, translated into 8 languages, and distributed to their information centers worldwide.

She has been recognized for her contributions to the industry with several awards, including the 2021 AIA Whitney M. Young. Jr Award for her advocacy efforts and ascended to the AIA College of Fellows, the youngest African American to receive that honor. In 2020 Pascale was voted President-Elect of the National Organization of Minority Architects, the 5th woman to hold this position of leadership in the organization's 50-year legacy. Pascale holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Pratt Institute and a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University.