AIAU Free Live Course: Supporting Parents Working from Home During COVID-19 and Beyond

May 27, 2020 at 2 PM EDT.

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting lives at work and at home. As schools and childcare centers are closed for social distancing, working parents are experiencing an unprecedented challenge. Join three architects as they discuss tips, tricks, and strategies to support parents as they balance working from home full time with raising children.

Learning objectives

  • Learn how to balance family responsibilities and remote-working full-time, while maintaining healthy physical and mental practices.

  • Develop an understanding of what ‘work-life balance’ means, and the impacts of work-life balance on productivity and health.

  • Explore real-life examples on how working parents continue to support their families, while managing multiple commitments.

  • Identify resources offered to members by local and state AIA components.

Message from Roderick Ashley, FAIA - AIA NW+PR Regional Representative Position Open for Nominations

The Northwest and Pacific Regional Representative to the Strategic Council position for my replacement is now open for nominations. This position is open to ALL members within the Region and is a great opportunity to both lead the NW+PR and at the same time also participate in the AIA Strategic Council! Applications and nominations for the Regional Representative 2021-2023 position are due by the end of the day, Monday, May 18th, 2020.