Upjohn Research Initiative supports AIA's commitment to climate action by awarding grants to sustainable design research.
WASHINGTON - March 3, 2022 - The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Upjohn Research Initiative is providing up to $30,000 to five research projects that will advance sustainability in architecture.
The purpose of the grant is to provide base funds for applied research projects that will advance the design profession’s knowledge and practice. This year’s recipients will research climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies for the built environment. Grant recipients were selected by a seven-member jury comprised of members from the AIA College of Fellows and AIA Board Knowledge Committee.
This year’s selected Upjohn Research Initiative projects include:
Architects and Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEBs): The Role of the Profession in the Emerging Field of GEBs. Principal Investigator: Deane Evans, FAIA (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
From Waste to Biodegradable Structures with Local Fungi Species. Principal Investigators: Benay Gürsoy Toykoç, PhD (Penn State); John A. Pecchia, PhD (Penn State); Ali Ghazvinian (Penn State)
Collaborators: Alale Mohseni (Penn State); Natalie Walter (Penn State)
The Future of Green Infrastructure: Measuring and Designing the Built Environment for Pedestrian and Bicycle Activities in Dallas-Fort Worth. Principal Investigators: Hyesun Jeong, PhD, Assoc. AIA (University of Texas at Arlington); Matthew Ables (Arup)
Collaborators: Brian Hammersley (Hammersley Architecture); Meghna Tare (University of Texas at Arlington); Lawrence Agu, Assoc. AIA (City of Dallas)
Priority Green for Community Benefit: A Framework for Tailoring Entitlement Benefits to Neighborhood-specific Priorities Around Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation, and Equity Principal Investigator: Adele Houghton, AIA (Biositu)
Synergies between Ultra-Low-Energy Buildings, Microgrids, and Direct Current. Principal Investigators: Lisa White (Passive House Institute US (PHIUS)); Graham Wright, PhD (Passive House Institute US (PHIUS))
Collaborator: Walter Grondzik, PE (Ball State University)