Industry Forum
Purpose: Explore the key issues facing each of our members on a national and local scale, and to find areas of common legislative and practice-related issues we can collaborate on to increase our effectiveness with local and state lawmakers.
The Industry Forum consists of members from ACEC Oregon, (American Council of Engineering Companies of Oregon) PLSO (Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon) AGC Oregon (Associated General Contractors of Oregon) and AIA Oregon. Minutes from the meetings will be published here, which sometimes include Forum Joint Recommendations on key legislative issues. Those will also be published here. Often, we discuss pressing concerns in each of our industries, either seeking good ideas or ways we can collaborate to create solutions that benefit the entire industry.The group meets quarterly in Salem at the offices of David Evans Associates. Meeting dates and agendas will be published as determined. Attendance is limited, so please contact Heather Wilson with interest in participation.