Please join the Urban Design Panel Tuesday, April 20 from noon to 1pm for a discussion on the DOZA Recommended Draft - Draft Testimony to City Council.
The DOZA Recommended Draft (DOZARD) can be found here (page numbers noted below are from this draft):
DOZA webpage:
Discussion topics:
The DOZARD allows buildings up to 75’ to use prescriptive standards, the current threshold is 55’
Section 33.420.050.B.3. Page 33.
The DOZARD proposal is to eliminate the required DAR when qualifying affordable housing projects choose a Type 2 instead of the required Type 3, current requirement requires a DAR when a Type 2 is picked
Footnote to table 825-1. Page 153.
Factors Reviewed during Design Review-DOZARD does not include zoning entitlements, maximum height and maximum FAR as features that can be reduced during the design review process.
Section 33.825.035. Page 159.
Design Commission membership
Section 33.710.050.B. Page 133.
Urban Design Diagrams and District Character Statements
Currently, the DOZARD does not specifically reference urban design diagrams developed for the Central City Plan Update as important context documents for design review.
View full discussion item details here.