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AIAO Virtual Lunch + Learn - BetterBricks

"Smart Design: What architects need to know about Smart Pumping Systems" 
Presenter: Nicole Dunbar, product manager at the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA)

1 AIA LU|HSW Available

Mechanical systems are not usually the purview of architects, but understanding the sustainability strategies used across the building can be critical for success in making better buildings. Smart design in plumbing and mechanical systems is key to reduced energy use – this presentation will give architects the language they need to discuss pumps and smart pumping strategies with mechanical and plumbing partners.

After this presentation, attendees will understand how to identify efficient pumps and what benefits smart pumping systems can provide to buildings. Participants will be able to speak to engineering partners about an overall approach to sustainable pumping systems and confidently speak to building owners about the value of smart pumps.

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Nicole Dunbar

Nicky is an experienced Professional Engineer with a deep understanding of sustainability and green building solutions. Nicky received her Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Portland State University with a focus in HVAC systems and building science. With experience in energy modeling, sustainability education, energy efficiency and building systems, Nicky is a strong engineering professional with a commitment to providing holistic building solutions for people and the planet. Currently a Product Manager at the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Nicky is bringing her technical experience to the market transformation field to transform the built environment through efficiency. A proud mentor in her field, Nicky actively encourages young professionals to expand their professional horizons through industry engagement. Nicky enjoys volunteering in her community through youth outreach along with spending time outdoors.