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AIA Oregon 2030 Working Group

Join AIA Oregon and Energy Trust of Oregon New Buildings program for a discussion on how Oregon firms are tracking and meeting Architecture 2030 goals through AIA’s Design Data Exchange (DDx) reporting tool. This working group meeting will be a discussion regarding methods for integrating baseline EUI as a part of standard project kickoff for projects, as well as critical building elements to address first in order to improve a building’s EUI. (namely roof, floor and window attributes that make a big impact on performance).

The AIA 2030 Commitment is a growing initiative that provides a consistent, national framework with simple metrics and a standardized reporting format to help firms evaluate the impact design decisions have on an individual project's energy performance. The profession can’t meet vigorous building energy use reduction targets one project at a time, and so architects are embracing the challenge at hand by thinking differently about sustainable design. Will you join them?

The mission of the AIA 2030 Commitment is to take the aspirational goals of Architecture 2030 and transition to the reality of achieving tangible, strategically targeted, performance goals on every project. In the AIA Oregon 2030 working group you will be able to learn more about how Oregon compares to all other US projects recorded in the 2030 dataset. Architects and engineers who are current 2030 signatories and those considering joining are welcome to attend this meeting to learn about AIA Oregon's 2030 Commitment and how you can further participate.