Committee on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (CoEDI)

Co-Chairs: Evon Calebrese and Angel Lopez Sanchez Board Liaison: ML Vidas Staff Liaison: Heather Wilson

Purpose:  It is the mission of the AIA Portland Committee on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (CoEDI) to better reflect the global & demographic richness of our population through advocacy for under-represented groups in our profession.

Keystones of our mission include:

•  Supporting firms in attracting, developing & retaining the best talent.
•  Providing mentoring opportunities at all phases of the professional pipeline, beginning with early education (k-12).
•  Facilitating connections to the broader community.
•  Promoting the value of design and its contributions to and from society.

Committee Resources

Equity in Architecture Commission: Executive Summary:  This executive summary addresses the five “keystone” areas of focus that were identified by the Equity in Architecture Commission, and 11 other priority recommendations for the AIA.

Guides for Equitable Practice: Best practices to ensure the profession of architecture is as diverse as the nation we serve, from AIA National.

If you are interested in joining the CoEDI Committee, want to be included on the CoEDI Slack channel, or want more information, contact

Upcoming CoEDI Events