AIA Oregon Professional Achievement Awards

Introduced in 2018 to replace the singular Emerging Professional of the Year Award, these awards celebrate and recognize achievement at all levels of the profession within our community. The objective is to promote engagement within the chapter and recognize valuable contributions of members who are serving the community and proactively improving the architecture profession.

Evon Calabrese, Associate AIA
Healthcare Designer, NBBJ Designer

Congratulations to our 2024 Emerging Professional Award Recipient, Evon Calebrese!

“In addition to their work as an Evidence-Based Design/Research Lead, [our] nominee is highly active with the AIA, both regionally and nationally. They are involved with many local initiatives, including the AIA Oregon Emerging Professionals Committee and planning efforts for the bi-annual AIA Oregon Design Conference, as well as Portland Section holiday and summer parties. The nominee is also the Oregon representative to the National Associates Committee.

These efforts are in addition to their regular job duties, at where they already excel. These activities represent a real commitment to bettering the profession for society’s benefit. We share their well-earned pride in their accomplishments.” - from the nomination application.

Evon’s long list of personal accomplishments include:

  • Holding an Evidence-Based Design Accreditation and Certification (EDAC) from the Center for Healthcare Design

  • Activity with the AIA / Academy of Architecture for Health - Research Initiatives Committee

  • Development of office-wide standards for evidence-based design processes, trauma-informed design, inclusive design (specifically for patients of size), and post-occupancy evaluations

  • Expertise in neuroaesthetics, environmental psychology, and participatory/decolonizing design.

Evon has also been an Instructor with the Architecture Foundation of Oregon (AFO) Architects in Schools program for three years, a former PIVOT Architecture fellow, and was a part of the team that pursued and obtained a grant from AIA National to start a new state-wide emerging professional program that debuted at our ODC 24 conference in Bend – Mentor Madness.

Many thanks to Evon for all you do as part of AIA Oregon, and Congratulations!

AIA Oregon Professional Achievement Awards

President’s Award

The AIA Oregon President’s Award is given to an individual AIA member for significant contribution to the architecture profession through distinguished leadership and service over an extended period of time. These services, exceeding those expected in any official capacity, and by leadership, has advanced the cause of the profession and provided an inspiration to his/her fellow practitioners.

Eligibility: Current and previous AIA Oregon members that have been licensed to practice architecture for more than 20 years by the submission deadline are eligible.

Young Architect Award

The Young Architect Award honors individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and made significant contributions to the architecture profession early in their careers. AIA Oregon sees this award as a stepping-stone to the National Young Architect Award application and aims to support Young Architects in their career pursuits through this recognition.

Eligibility: AIA members who are in good standing and have been licensed to practice architecture fewer than ten years by the submission deadline are eligible. The term ‘young architect’ has no reference to the age of the nominee.

Emerging Professional Award

The AIA Oregon Emerging Professional Award is given to individual Associate AIA members to recognize outstanding leaders and creative thinkers for significant contributions to their communities and the architecture profession. This candidate should exemplify excellence and service in one or all of the content categories described in the entry requirements.

Eligibility: Current AIA Oregon Associate members or recent graduates (within 18 months) of an accredited architecture degree program are eligible.